Rylee's best friend Alex has had Juvenile Diabetes since she was 2. She has fought so hard with this disease to be a typical kid that has no limits. Unfortunately, this disease doesn't go away. Every year we walk for Alex in the JDRF walk to raise money for a cure. This year it is February 24th. What is really exciting is that all the money we have raised in the past has made it possible to grant money to the University of Iowa and Clinics for a clinical trial. This trial is for continuous glucose monitoring of the Artificial Pancreas that is being developed. And what is even more exciting is Alex gets to be apart of this study! IF you could please find a way to join us in the this fight and donate we would be sooo grateful!
you can go to Paypal and donate through our account...smflegeassoc@yahoo.com or email me! thanks so much.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
4:27 PM
what a great thing your family does! I have a cousin who was diagnosed with JD at a young age.