I’ve been tagged by Jennifer to share “7 Things You Always Wanted to Know About Me” so here goes:

1. I have been married 15 years!!! wow!
2. I sang in Carnegie hall in New York City.
3. My favorite color is pink.
4. I need to lose weight :(
5. I love to go camping with my family.
6. I have allergies and they suck!
7. Chocolate/carmel lattes with whip are my FAV!!!!

I tag CJ, Debra, Christina, Jessica, and Pam

date Wednesday, May 16, 2007

4 comments to “about me me me me me me me.....”

  1. Anonymous
    6:48 AM

    You sang at the Carnegie hall? Wow.


  1. L. Noelle
    7:45 AM

    Carnegie Hall? very impressive! The Carmel late's, I can surely relate to that!

  1. jotcr2
    9:38 PM

    The love of chocolate is shared for sure.

  1. The Mom
    10:00 AM

    Cool list!

    The carmel lates sound yummy!