It is official.. we are moving!!  We found a house on the other side of our little town that fits our family perfectly!! 
So, we put a bid in and we got it!!!  Its exciting but sad at the same time.   The house we live in now, was our dream home.  We have lived here 10 years, helped design and build it with our own hands.  Not to mention many people in our family helped us build it.  Its a big house...  4400 sq feet with a half acre of land.   Now at the time, we built, we never dreamed that we would have a sweet baby girl join our family with an extra chromsome, nor did we ever imagine in a million years that hubby would need open heart surgery.    So the decision was made, that we need something that fits our family needs as of now.   Mayson still is unsteady with stairs, and we are not confortable with her room upstairs while ours is down on the main level.  Hubby just cant do our driveway in the winter and the mowing is getting way to much for him. 
I will miss our house we have called home, but excited to make new memories in our new home.  Alot of the kids friends live in the neighborhood we are moving too.  The yard is FLAT, the drive way is FLAT.  There is 4 bedrooms, the basement is FINISHED, Maysons room will be on the same level as ours.  Rylele and Jayden will each  have their OWN bathrooms!
Yup, it fits our familly great!!
So, keep us in your prayers, that we will all make this transition easily

date Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's official..  all three kids are now in school!  Jayden and Rylee started on the 18th.  So they are already getting back into routine. Jayden is a Junior this year.   Ryleenis in 8th grade and has already started volleyball.  I am NOT a fan of the 6:30 am practices.. ugh!

Miss Mayson started today.  She was so ready to go back to preschool.  Last week we went to her open house and dropped off all her school supplies.  She did NOT want to leave to go home!!  So, this morning she got up with ease and was so excited!!

But I still think its going to take some adjustment  to the early mornings:)  Overall, she has a fantastic day at school.  She is in a all inclusive preschool program.  She is there from  9am - 3pm Monday thru Thursday.  She does not have one on one para and seems to follow directions and do what is expected of her!  yeah!!!

Heres to a great school year!!!!

date Monday, August 29, 2011

I have one full day left and my kids are off to school.  Its so hard to believe that summer is coming to and end.  The kids say they are ready for school to start.  They miss their friends, activities, the routine.   I , on the other hand, am not ready for them to go back!  Normally at this time of the year I can't wait for them to start school.  For some reason, this summer flew by.  I feel like I just didnt get to do the things I wanted to do with them:)

Jayden is 17 now and will be a JUNIOR--holy shit!!!  How can that be????????

Rylee is going to be an 8th grader and will be 14 in October.  WOW!!!!!!  She will be driving next--eeekkk!

Mayson is 5 now but going to do one more year of pre-school.  We have decided that is the best for her.  Sure she knows her letters, numbers, shapes, colors, word wall words, etc....BUT, she is so tiny, speech delayed, fine motor is not there.  You know, all the great perks of good ol Down syndrome!  Giving her one more year of getting those perfected will also give her a better chance of succeeding in kindergarten the following year.   She will go Mon-Thurs from 9 am -3 pm.   I will miss her:(

This summer will end with many changes ahead in our future......Here is to my last day of summer with my kids!!!

date Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Its summer time so I suck at blogging right joke!!!  Kids start school in a 9 days..  hopefully, I will get into blogging again!

date Tuesday, August 09, 2011