As I have never thought of my blog as being "award worthy", someone else does!! Michelle, from Elliots Expeditions nominated me for this award. This is what she writes about my blog.....
Amy at The Flege Farm. Amy and her daughter, Mayson, are, beyond doubt, an inspirational pair. Amy’s blog is chalk full of excitement and one can see the love she shares with her beautiful daughter, Mayson, as well as her other kiddos, as she continually captures the innocence of childhood with her wonderful photographs and stories.
Thank you Michelle for your kind words! I have gotten to know Michelle through the T21 forum we belong to due to your kiddos being born with something "extra". Her sweet baby, Elliot, has beautiful blue eyes and its always a joy reading about him and his family.
Now, its my turn to nominate someone for the award.. I am a little late at doing this so I apologize if you have been nominated already!!
1. Tricia, at Unringing The Bell, is a wonderful blog about a first time mother writing about her deep feelings and the realationship she has with her adorable baby, Georgia, . Georgia, is now home from open heart surgery and is doing great! Take a trip over and enjoy the reading what comes from her heart.
2. Bethany, at Life with Bubba and Chicky, is fairly new to the blogging world. Her daughter Payton was also born with something extra and is just a bit older than Mayson. She is also the mother of her son Mason. There is never a dull moment at their household.... check it out!
3. Kitty, at Nathanael's Neighborhood, has just started a blog for her little guy, Nathanael. She is the mother of 6, a history buff, true to her religion, and loves her children. She shares adorable pictures and facts about Nathanaels life and background!
Happy Blog reading!
Monday, July 09, 2007
11:31 PM
Thank you so much! I have been away from reading blogs lately, so I just saw this! You are too kind! :O)