We headed to the Doc to see how Jay's collar bone is healing. Its calcifying which means is healing in that spot. The swelling has gone down but its still a nice yellow color. They sent us to the hospital for more x rays. He doesn't have to wear his sling as much now but it will be until end of April before he can start trying to wrestle again. He can hardly stand this. His team won last night for the dual wrestling tournament. Sure he was there to support them but man, he wanted to sooooooo be out there wrestling..... it is killing him! He did get the go ahead to start doing some lifting and running and stationary bike. So I guess thats a start, right?
After I dropped him off at school, I knew it was going to be a hard day. Today is the day he goes to his friend Katlins funeral. A very hard day for everyone.... She was a wrestling cheerleader too. The boys wrestled hard for you last night Katlin.. I know you were cheering from the heavens!!

date Wednesday, February 24, 2010

1 comments to “Update on the collar bone”

  1. To Love Endlessly
    7:32 PM

    sounds like the healing is going well. I'm glad he can at least start back lifting & riding for now. Praying for katlin's family & friends.