When Mayson and I were down in Tennesee, IEP's came up.  You get a bunch of parents together who have children with Down Syndrome and its bound to happen!!  I have had both good and bad IEP experiences.  The good IEP went as smoothly as it could be!!  The bad was sooo horrifying...  I mean come on.. you are talking about my child's education--what molds them for life so dont play games with me.....
So, when Renee discussed her upcoming IEP for her sweet Kennedy with me, I gave her all the advice I could, we even met a teacher from her school when we were all out to eat,  that discussed how she wanted Kennedy in her classroom and couldn't wait for next year...  That all changed in a matter of a few months...  Poor Renee has been through something NO ONE should have to go through when it comes to the education of their child.  This school's administration sickens me......
Go ahead and read it for yourself.....,I guarantee you wont like it.
 Life with My Special Ks

date Thursday, July 22, 2010

2 comments to “Treated equal my ass.....”

  1. Tamara
    5:37 AM

    I read this the other day - I just hate it. Shawen's primarily in lifeskills now - because of "behavior". I sincerely believe they pushed all the right buttons to get him there. I've lost all respect for the majority of educators at this point. We really need some major education reform in this country.

  1. ParkerMama
    10:24 AM

    I read Renee's story and my heart broke. Even with Reed being a Principal, I'm homeschooling Parker. It started out because of how fragile his health is, but the truth is I don't think I'd put Parker into a classroom regardless.

    Tammy and Parker
    @ParkerMama on Twitter