Do you know what this Monday is??  It's WORLD DOWN SYNDROME DAY! 
What is it and why on Monday?  Well,  World Down Syndrome Day takes place on March 21st every year because the date  21/3  represents the 3 copies of chromosome 21, which is unique to people with Down syndrome!
Many Down syndrome groups and organizations, get together on this day and celebrate, support and advocate! 
My sweet girl would love for you to think for just a moment about people with Down syndrome and how you can help adovcate so she too, can lead a life filled with many possibilities!

ps...... If you have a child or relative with Ds and would like me to make you a siggy like the one of Mayson, for your blog or facebook,  just email me!!

date Thursday, March 17, 2011

3 comments to “Do you know what this Monday is?”

  1. ParkerMama
    10:19 AM

    Celebrating that beautiful girl of yours! *smooch*

    Tammy and Parker

  1. Annie
    6:33 PM

    Mayson is so cute and I love love love her glasses!

  1. Ria
    9:31 PM

    Hi! Belated Happy World Down Syndrome day to you! Haven't left in a comment in a while but I've been lurking. So, you make siggys eh? Do you make blog headers too? Email or FB me. :-)